Do Your Driving Skills Get Affected When You Smoke Marijuana?

During the past couple years, a series of studies have been used, in order to obtain an answer to the question in the title. The first such study used simulators, which caused the user to feel as though he or she were actually sitting at the steering wheel in a motored vehicle. If a subject used cannabis, his or her psycho motor skills demonstrated a diminished level of performance. (more…)

Are You Eligible For Submitting An Application For Disability Benefits?

Are you enrolled in a disability income benefits plan? Is your employer enrolled in such a plan? Is your union enrolled in such a plan? Do you belong to a professional organization that welcomes enrollees in such a program (plan)? If you have answered yes to any of those questions, then you may be among those that are eligible for submitting an application with the help of personal injury lawyer in Trenton for disability benefits. (more…)

Situation Surrounding Truck Safety And Wide Turns

It is well known that handling semi-trailers and 18-wheelers is difficult and thus require special training. Due to the additional length and weight, these types of vehicles need a much wider turning radius which leads to especially large blind spots. Because of this, wide turns significantly heighten the likelihood of collisions which in turn leads to an increased risk of personal injury. Most cities in Ontario are even more demanding of truck drivers due to the lack of space along turns and the increase in traffic density. (more…)

How Frequently Should You Contact Your Personal Injury Lawyer?

Following an injury sustained in an accident, most people turn to a personal injury lawyer for support and guidance throughout the claims and settlement process. However, following the initial meeting, a lot of them wonder how frequently they should check in with their personal injury lawyer in Sault Ste. Marie. Below, we have put together a guide which addresses this question, as well as what points should be discusses during these check ins. (more…)