How To Respond To Unreasonable Tactics By Insurance Adjuster?

Sometimes a tactic used by the insurance adjuster represent an effort to slow or stall the claims process. When that is the case, the claimant has good reason for contacting the state department that oversees the operation of the various insurance agencies.

Circumstances that could push a claimant to contact the proper state authorities

An insurance adjuster has refused to answer any offer to settle the dispute.An insurance adjuster’s information proves to be either false or misleading. Frequently, such information gets delivered to a claimant that has also been the target of pressure tactics.

In the absence of any explanation, an insurance adjuster has repeatedly delayed the act of working to arrive at a settlement, as per Personal Injury Lawyers In Trenton.

Actions to be taken by claimant that feels compelled to notify state authorities

First, appreciate the thinking of all insurance adjusters. None of them want to have a supervisor hear complaints about an adjuster’s tactics. With that fact in mind, speak with the adjuster that has caused the unwanted circumstance. Mention the tentative plans for contacting the state.

If the mention of your tentative plans does not alter the adjuster’s unreasonable approach to the claims process, then file a complaint.

—Go online and get the address for your state’s Department of Insurance
—Check to see if the complaint needs to be submitted on a special form; if so, request a copy of that same form.
—If you do not need a form, compose a letter that contains the following information: The date of the accident, the names of those involved, the claim number, and the problems you have encountered, while pursuing the indicated claim.
—Send that letter to the office at the address that you have obtained from the facts on the State’s website.

What you can hope to achieve by sharing your problems with the state authorities

There is no guarantee that you will witness swift action by those in the notified office. Still, that same office should let the insurance company know that its adjuster has provided one person with a reason for sending a complaint to those that oversee the state’s insurance companies.

Once the adjuster’s supervisor has learned about the obstructive behavior of a supervised employee, that same supervisor is apt to speak to the same employee. You should count that as a positive effect from your actions.

Eventually, you may find that your problems with pursuit of the claim seem to disappear. Adjusters tend to become more cooperative, after receiving a talk from a supervisor. Ideally, you might discover that the former stalling or delaying tactics have come to an end. Thus, you should soon be able to pursue the claims process.