What Is The Connection Between Boating Accidents And Brain Injuries?

Someone that has been invited to join a group on a boat ride seldom worries about suffering some type of brain injury. Yet the features associated with such a ride introduce the elements that can aid creation of such an injury.

What are those elements?

First of all, the passengers do not wear any type of seat belt. If the boat were to get hit, or were to come in contact with a huge wave, the passengers could get tossed around. At that point any one of them could hit his or her head on one of the boat’s surfaces.

In addition, the passenger is at the mercy of the captain’s behavior. If that captain has been drinking, he or she might drive the boat in a reckless manner. If the captain’s eyes or ears have become distracted, that distraction could adversely affect the captain’s ability to drive the boat safely.

Moreover, passengers seldom know the rules of the water. They might enjoy having the air and water hit their faces, as the captain exceeds the speed limit. Even on the water there are speed limits. Of course, the act of exceeding that limit puts the passengers in danger.

Some lawyers specialize in advocating for the rights of clients with brain injuries.

Injury lawyers in Trenton have the tools that can help them to win a case for a client that got injured during a boating accident. There is one tool that can be used to check on the speed of the boat in the moments leading up to that incident. It can determine whether or not the driver/captain was obeying the speed limit.

Hospitals have equipment that can be used to determine whether or not the captain was intoxicated. In addition, telephone records can be used to check for some distraction that might have caused the captain to ignore a specific danger. Moreover, in a personal injury case, a lawyer can seek compensation for a client’s possible cognitive problems.

What are cognitive problems?

Those are mental issues that might affect someone with a brain injury. There are all sorts of ways that an injury’s existence might affect the cognitive performance of the injured victim. For instance, the victim might exhibit a decreased level of attention or of concentration. By the same token, the victim’s ability to understand and tackle problems might have undergone a lowering of its capabilities.

The victim’s memory might have suffered, as a result of the brain damage. A brain damaged client might have trouble planning and organizing activities. By the same token, such a client might struggle to control his or her impulses. Each of those problems could have arisen following a specific accident.

If that accident had taken place on the water, then the affected victim could use the services of a brain lawyer. That lawyer would understand the slow rate at which the full extent of the damage to the brain becomes apparent. For that reason, it would become the lawyer’s job to fight any attempt by the defendant’s insurance company to push for a quick settlement.

In other words, the lawyer’s tasks highlight the connection between boating safety and incidents that cause brain damage. Anyone that ever gets invited on a boat ride ought to keep that connection clearly in mind.