Most truck accidents happen for reasons that are much like those linked to the collision of two or three smaller vehicles. The driver has become overly tired. The driver is speeding or has failed to leave sufficient space between the driver’s vehicle and the vehicle being followed by that same vehicle/truck.
The truck’s poor performance could reflect a failure on the part of those that had been charged with maintaining it. By the same token, it could reflect the nature of the weather conditions or the unsatisfactory road conditions. Still, one further cause could place the resulting accident in the category of collisions with special circumstances.
It could be that some aspect of the truck’s load reduced the driver’s ability to control that loaded vehicle. Trucks become hard to control if they are overloaded or if their loads are shifting. In addition, a large hauled compartment that contains few items can become difficult to control.
How the on-road inspection can reduce the chances for truck accidents
The business that is using the truck and the truck’s owner, both want to be sure that the driver’s trip does not come to an end at the inspection site. For that reason, both of them should feel ready to invest in the proper level of maintenance. That same level of maintenance should ensure the truck’s ability to pass any inspection.
What happens if a truck fails to pass an inspection?
The action taken would depend on the severity of the failure that was found by the inspectors. The inspectors also keep track of how frequently a certain vehicle fails to pass on of the on-road inspections. Those trucks that fail repeatedly could be held at a location that was supervised by highway workers. In other words, none of them could be used to haul a load until the failure had been corrected.
In order to appreciate the meaning of that threatened action, you have to understand the distances traveled by commercial trucks. An inspection could take place thousands of miles from the site where the driver’s journey started. It could even take place in a different country. For that reason, those responsible for keeping a fleet of trucks in shape make a point of living up to that responsibility.
What parts of the various trucks get checked during the on-road inspections?
• The truck’s tires and wheels are checked.
• The truck’s brakes are checked.
• The hydraulic c-suspension gets inspected.
• A check of the brake system gets made.
• A check of the steering column gets made.
• All of the truck’s electrical components get inspected.
• The hitches and couplers get inspected.
• The engine and axel are checked.
Why so many truck drivers are independent contractors
The answer to that question relates to the special circumstances that are linked to trucking accidents. If a driver is an independent contractor, then he or she has a special privilege, following an accident. He or she can sue the at-fault driver. Drivers with a worker’s compensation program cannot do that. However, it is best to consult with a Personal Injury Lawyer in Trenton if you are involved in an accident.