Time And Money Invested In Treatment For A Brain Injury

There are 2 ways by which the victim of a brain injury could be forced to expend a good deal of time and money. One way concerns the process of diagnosing and treating that particular injury. The alternate approach involves ignoring the injury’s existence. In that way, the brain-related medical problem gains a chance to grow and worsen.

In either case, the victim deserves some form of compensation and that is why it is important to consult with a personal injury lawyer in Chatham. When the original injury has been ignored, the level of the requested compensation could well increase.

For what payments should the brain-injured patient get compensated?

• For the money spent on treatments.
• Compensation for time at home, when the victim’s condition kept him or her from going to work.
• Compensation for any permanent damage
• Reimbursement for the expenses that arise, due to the victim’s pain and suffering.

What are the types of brain injuries?

TBI (traumatic brain injury): This condition is caused by a blow to the head, one that comes from the outside, and one that ruptures the brain’s tissue.

nTBI (non-traumatic brain injury): This condition is caused by an illness or damaging occurrence inside of the body. That damaging experience could take the form of a stroke, a lack of oxygen, a tumor, a cancer or an infection. Understand that even a small infection, such as an earache could prove dangerous.

What symptoms characterize a TBI or an nTBI?

In the early stages, the existence of either condition could lead to the development of headaches, changes in the victim’s emotions, confusion and disorientation, nausea or vomiting. In the later stages, the affected victim might complain about blurred vision, dizziness or trouble sleeping. If those problems were not addressed, the victim might exhibit mood swings, anxiety, depression, trouble concentrating, loss of motor function, loss of balance, or even seizures.

In order to guarantee a doctor’s ability to note any of the symptoms listed above, the person that has suffered some type of blow to the head must get examined by a doctor as soon as possible. If such an examination gets delayed, the observation of late-appearing symptoms can cause a doctor to order expensive diagnostic techniques.

For instance, if someone suffers a seizure, a doctor might order performance of a CT scan or an MRI. Both of those are costly imaging procedures. Depending on the findings from any type of imaging study, the treating physician might feel forced to call for completion of a surgical procedure.

It could be that the affected brain had developed hydrocephalus. If that were the case, the physician would need to order the installation of an implanted device, one that shunts fluid from the brain’s ventricles into another part of the body.