How To Get Compensated For Injuries And Losses After A Motor Vehicle Accident

According to the rules in Ontario’s no-fault system, anyone that has been involved in a motor vehicle accident qualifies for Accident Benefits. Those funds, also known as Section B benefits can be used by an accident victim to cover the costs of medical care, child care, attendant care and other expenses. By the same token, the Section B benefits serve as means for acquiring a form of income replacement.

How do qualified residents of Ontario gain access to such benefits?

Those with a minor injury must send a notice to the office that handles the Diagnostic Treatment Protocols Regulation. The same office distributes the form that the qualified victim must submit. Victims are supposed to request that same form within 7 days of the accident.

If a victim’s plans include submission of a completed form to the office of Diagnostic Treatment Protocols Regulation, then that same victim needs to carry-out one additional task. Each of them must notify their car insurance company about their plans to seek the Accident Benefits.

In addition, victims completing and signing the appropriate form must complete that task within a given time frame. The completed form must arrive at the designated office within 30 days of the accident. Once the Section B benefits have been received, an accident victim can use them to cover rehabilitation expenses, housekeeping expenses, visitors’ expenses and other costs.

If a loved one has died as a result of the named motor vehicle accident, the Accident Benefits can be used to cover the cost of death and funeral expenses. If the driver or any injured passengers had to delay their education, while recovering from an injury, that lost opportunity for the furtherance of an existing education can be claimed as a reimbursable loss.

If the victim has suffered a major injury, then it becomes necessary to seek money from private medical insurance or an employer’s insurance, with the help of injury lawyer in Trenton. In the absence of such insurance, or if the Section B benefits have been used up, a victim with a major injury has the right to seek money from the Motor Vehicle Accident Claims Fund. That is fund that was established by the Provincial government.

How do accident victims get compensated for damage to their vehicle?

If the driver is not found to be at-fault, then he or she can expect to enjoy collision coverage. If the driver is at-fault for the accident, then the insurance pays the cost of repairs, once the policy holder has paid the required deductible. Of course, an automobile owner that has not purchased collision coverage gets denied access to money from any insurer. He or she must supply the money for any needed car repair work.